WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO. (photos by Juan)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
VIDEO DESIGN - only in English
The course in Video Design, taught only in English, trains professionals who will work closely with the production of images in the audiovisual field. A figure capable of not only personalizing and reinforcing a television programs identity but also able to create a visual personality with projects not related to television, such as music, artistic, fictional videos or documentaries.The video designer is able to analyze and administer problems, create solutions, atmospheres and emotions through visualization. Precisely for this reason they must know how to use the technological tools and have a deep understanding for the languages and mediums that this profession is based on.
Throughout the duration of the three-year course the students share professional experiences with their professors, who are all actively working in their fields. This contact helps the student gain a strong transversal project culture, covering both theoretical and specific technical aspects. The course culminates with the final thesis project, where the students come up with concrete solutions presented by real companies.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A few years ago, a repeat client of mine walked into the shop seeming quite disoriented, which was unusual for him. he shows me a geometric design he wanted to have tattooed and asked for a price quote, all twitchy like.
i could tell by the psychotic glint in his eyes and his self-inflicted rantings that he was off of whatever meds he was supposed to be on. i quoted him the minimum charge and he proceeds to dig around in his pocket. he procures a bunch of twigs, leaves and bottle caps. he tells me that they are magical and sacred and wants to know if he can trade them for the tattoo.
at this point i have to giggle to myself and when i tell him no he continues to tell me how powerful they are and that he got them from a shaman. i tell the guy "cash only" and feeling defeated & possibly realising the lack of monetary value, he gives me the sticks, leaves and bottle caps because he "wants me to have them" and he leaves the shop. i actually kept them for like a year, cause they made me giggle every time i saw them, so in a way i guess they were kinda magical.
now, off-handedly in our discourse i made the mistake of complimenting dude on his dope vintage leather jacket. so half an hour later he comes back to the shop wanting to know if i would trade the jacket for the tattoo. i woulda come out on top on this deal and it WAS a tempting offer, but i just couldn't bring myself to take advantage of the guy in his debilitated state. i was kinda hoping that he would see the lack of monetary value in his jacket and give that to me in defeat also.
i learnt that day that i do have morals and that no matter how hard i tried i would never be able to pay my rent with sticks, but at least i could make a fire, adorn myself in leaves and drink out of battle caps. i always get the crazy ones.
Monday, April 26, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Latest Trends in Tattoo Designs
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tattoo designs are becoming increasing popular. The older mind set of negativity towards tattoos are being phased out as they are quickly becoming the latest trend. The older generations are not happy about this idea, but are having to learn to accept it, the younger generation is welcoming the trend with open hands.
There are several reasons people get tattoos. The most obvious, as well as the most common, is the meaning behind the design. The idea for these designs tends to be brought about by spiritual ideas. Many people want to be able to wear their heritage with pride.
Remembrance tattoos have also become quite popular. Many people like to remember their lost loved one by having a tattoo done in their honor. This is often a sign of respect also. These designs will often contain the name of the person, but not always. Often a special symbol that has a certain meaning or memory directed towards that person is used instead.
Both men and women alike enjoy the angel wing tattoo that covers their entire back. These wings have a spiritual meaning, but are often used for their physical appearance. Depending on whether it is a man or a women that receives the tattoo it will have a more feminine or masculine touch. Depending on the preference of the person as well, color may be used to fill in the wings rather than black ink.
Flowers incorporated into the design are also quite popular. Girls will often times get this tattoo because of its physical appearance, as it attracts the eye. However, it also has spiritual meaning behind it. The flower represents the circle of life, death, and rebirth.
Positive messages, and hope for the future are often written on the person body. However, these messages are rarely written in the form of English words. Typically the message is seen in languages that can be written in symbols and designs rather than words.
Tattoos are extremely addicting. It is more common than not that a person will receive a single tattoo and then soon after receive another. With the increasing approval of society this is becoming more and more true. People wear their visible tattoos with pride and respect rather than hide them away as they used to. This is a nice way for the person to add a unique mark to themselves and to show their individuality.
The Worst Tattoo Sleeve Trends

Tribal Sleeve - Leo Zulueta is credited with bringing tribal style tattooing from the South Pacific to the United States in the late 70's. But is was George Clooney's character in the movie From Dusk Till Dawn that caused the tribal sleeve to explode in popularity. Tribal sleeves may be the worst sleeve trend of all as they take another peoples tattoo culture, remove all the meaning and mock the origins of tattoo designs that date back centuries. They are also next to impossible to cover up once tattoo regret sets in.
Biomechanical Sleeve - Biomechanical tattooing was pioneered by tattoo artist like Aaron Cain and other tattooist in the San Francisco bay area. A breakaway from traditional style American tattooing, biomechanical uses images of the human flesh mixed with machine parts. Basically biomechanical tattoos mix organic images with inorganic images. It quickly became over used.
Flame Sleeve - No clear origins on the flame sleeve but whoever created it should be ashamed. The sleeve is not only hard to look at but is unbelievable boring for the tattoo artist. Flame tattoos are not only a waste of good skin but will also prove difficult to cover.
Random Cool Stuff Sleeve - A twist on the American style hodgepodge sleeve that is acquired over time, the random cool stuff sleeve is acquired quickly. The images often include skulls, flowers, brass knuckles, something with wings,maybe a couple of flames. A newer variation on this sleeve is to get random candy pieces or random kids toys tattooed as a sleeve.
Monday, April 19, 2010

Rap Tattoos-The NewTrend Rap Stars
Friday, April 16, 2010

Fhasion Trend Tattoos Design
Popular Tribal Tattoo Ideas to Bring Out The Individualism in You
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The most common Tribal Tats found today dates back to the polynesians who used black, geometric tatau ornaments which appeared to be silhouette-like in many ways. In Europe, sailors were attributed for the earliest Tribal Tat ideas - they originated from Tahiti and were added together with the sailors' own maritime-themed designs. Over the years, they have evolved to become what is known as traditional tattoos.
Over in America, Leo Zulueta and Don Ed Hardy, an innovator, were both responsible for an exciting Tribal Tats boom in 1982 when they started "Tattoo Time", a magazine on tattoos. Featuring native Borneo and Samoan tattoos, it quickly popularized these tattoo ideas as a form of interesting tattoo style and design.
As illustrated from above, these modern day tattoos have strong ties and affiliation with natives and tribes from different parts of the world. It was from there that they slowly evolved into the Tribal Tattoo ideas we have today. Although it has been said that a handful of tattoo parlors and tattoo artists would turn down tribal tattoo designs due to their simplicity, a lot of tattoo enthusiasts begs to differ. Tribal Tats, as a matter of fact, needs articulate skill to be tattooed on the difficult body parts in order for it to look naturally "grown". In addition, it has also been said that the coloring of these tattoos requires a steady hand.
You can find an assortment of tribal tat ideas ranging from tribal armbands, flames, black, crosses, stars, tigers and an assortment of motives and designs that are based on tribal motives. Personally, I have 3 tribal tattoos tattooed on different parts of my hands - one of a tribal flame on my right shoulder, one of a tribal motive which I designed on my left shoulder and another circular tribal design on my right wrist.
My advice to all those who are out to get their own tribal tattoos would be to pick one that you feel connected or feel strongly about. Doing so will bring out the personality and individuality in you.
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Dragon Tattoo Gallery

Kanji Tattoo Symbols
Kanji tattoo designs are quickly become one of the most popular tattoo designs. It is now quite common to see people sporting a tattoo that looks like cryptic Chinese alphabet. Well, firstly it is Japanese and not Chinese, though originally it was derived from Chinese. But why is this mysterious looking alphabet becoming so popular, even though the person on whom it is inked is himself not conversant with that language?
The reason for Kanji tattoos immense popularity is that this alphabet is not really what people in the west think of as an alphabet; this is actually a symbol which represents a picture, a fable or an expression. So for example if you want to get something tattooed that represents "Love", Kanji has a letter to be able to do so or if you want a tattoo that symbolizes the fable of the hare and the tortoise, you can do it easily by using the Kanji alphabet. People generally also put the English translation next to the tattoo so that it is easily understood.
Apart from Kanji characters, Japanese language also consists of Hiragana and Katakana letters. Hiragana is the phonetic alphabet set, used for connecting different sentences and it is not used for tattooing. Katakana characters are also used as tattoo designs. In Japanese Katakana characters are used to write foreign words and names, hence if someone wants to get their name tattooed in Japanese, one can use Katakana. But Kanji characters have been the most popular throughout the world.
The total number of Kanji characters is close to 80,000, so there are very few tattoo artists who are really experts in Kanji and this has lead to lot of fake artists. They might not know the right Kanji character and may ink something wrong, or even if they know the symbol they might not ink it in the right way because each character is very complicated and even if a small mistake is made it can mean something entirely different. Kanji tattoos are in fact one of the most frequently removed tattoos because of the number of people who have got the wrong Kanji symbol. So when picking the tattoo artist, be very sure about the artists knowledge of Kanji, pick an artist who is proficient in Japanese.
One can also find lot of Kanji symbols and their representations on the internet. But several of these symbols are also incorrect. So if you are picking the Kanji symbols from the internet, be sure to pick it from a trusted site which doesn't give away free tattoos. Lot of the Kanji symbols given away by these free tattoo websites are worth just what you have paid for them. Even after you have picked up a symbol from a trusted site, it is best to get it verified from a Japanese expert before getting it tattooed on your skin. It can be extremely painful to carry around a tattoo on your skin for the rest of your life which is inaccurately drawn or it means something that you didn't intend it to be.
New Dragon Tattoo